Xiao Wang

Hello World! Welcome!

Posted on February 03, 2015

“Life is short, you need learn to write ‘hello world!’”

I am an enthusiast in learning and applying new techniques. Encouraged by a friend who is proficient in various programming languages and data science techniques, I began setting this personal website hosted on the GitHub Pages. It is quite fantastic to build a website with Jekyll, html and CSS. After several times failures and reading codes and templates on the GitHub, finally, the website you are seeing is my work.

Since I have keen interest in data analysis and quantitative finance, the contents of my posting are related to these topics. In addition, I love programming with R and Python, therefore, there are some postings related to R and Python.

Writing articles and share my own thoughts and ideas is a good way to learn. If anyone has some questions and doubts on my postings, don’t hesitate to tell me, and it will be reallt appreciated.

Welcome to my personal website: Data Analysis and Quantitative Finance

Published in categories Intro  Tagged with introduction