Xiao Wang

Configure MySQL database on Mac

Posted on July 22, 2015

In the root directory, open the .bash_profile to add the MySQL path in it.

cd ~  
vi .bash_profile

Add the codes below to set the default address of your MySQL, and restart the terminal:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin

Then, MySQL can be easily opened in the terminal just using the code: mysql -u root -p.

###Basic MySQL commands:

show databases; 
/*Display all the databases in MySQL*/

use xxx(dataBaseName);  /*Open a database*/

create database (dataBaseName);
/*Create a new database*/

/*The operations below require a database being opened first*/

show tables; 
/* Display all the tables in the current database*/

create table tableName (column1 dataType,
                        column2 dataType,
/* Create a new table in the database. After the datatype, primary key, foreign key or not null can be set.*/

Create New Users

/* Login into database using administrator account*/
@>mysql -u root -p

/* Set the dedault database.*/
mysql>use mysql

/* create a new user */
mysql>create user 'testuser'@'localhost' identified by 'testpassword';

mysql>flush privileges; /*confirm changes */

/* create a new database. */
mysql>create database testdb;

/* Grant privilegs of a database to the user*/
mysql>grant all privileges on testdb.* to testuser@localhost identified  by 'testpassword';

mysql>flush privileges

/* login database with a specific user.*/
@>mysql -u testuser -p

Delete Users

When we want to delete a user created before, we first need to login MySQL using administrator account.

> @>mysql -u root -p  
> @>password

The code to delete specific user or database is shown below:

 mysql>Delete FROM user Where User='test' and Host='localhost';

 mysql>flush privileges;

 mysql>drop database testDB; -- delete the database

 mysql>drop user username@'%'(or @localhost);

 mysql>drop user username@ localhost; 

###Change User’s Password

  @>mysql -u root -p


  mysql>update mysql.user set password=password('new password')
         where User="test" and Host="localhost";
  mysql>flush privileges;

Published in categories resources  how-to  Tagged with Mac  R  MySQL